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My ego makes a lot of noise in Analese’s room, maybe because I find it so disagreeable. To me it kind of just seems like she took everything she’s ever liked and threw it on a wall with no regard for what was already there. The colors don’t make any sense and there seem to be about 8 different aesthetics represented. I wonder what is going on in here and how she got to be this way, a little bit of superiority begins to make itself known.

Regardless, her room is my favorite in the house, likely because of the Cozy Corner, a place of my own in her meager 100-square-foot bedroom. In my time of need, I can go and sit on her round purple chair, cuddle with pillows that look like her cats, and ask for what is usually really practical advice. The best times in the Cozy Corner are when I come and sit in silence. In that time, so immersed in an environment that I would literally never create, I feel so peaceful soaking up all of her signals.

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